
DTES Local Area Planning Program Workshop

The City of Vancouver has initiated a Local Area Planning Program for the Downtown Eastside.  More information about the planning process can be found here.

They are in the initial stage of the planning process – a step called “Reviewing – Taking Stock.”  This step of the process involves research and outreach to identify the key issues and assets within the Downtown Eastside that should be addressed in the Local Area Plan.

Part of this step in the process involves engaging a broad range of residents, organizations, businesses, property owners, and other people who will have a stake in the outcomes of this plan.  As such, the Local Area Planning Committee and the City of Vancouver are co-hosting a series of stakeholder workshops.

DATE and TIME:   Thursday, June 28, 2012 from 2:30 to 5:00 PM

LOCATION:  W2 Media Café – 2nd Floor Mezzanine Meeting Space

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