Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing
Coordinated by Rosemary Georgeson & Lara Aysal
Produced by The Only Animal
Presented by Firehall Arts Centre & Vancouver Moving Theatre
Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing: Ways of Being and Seeing is a cultural gathering regarding the impact of human-made environmental destruction on Mother Earth that invites Knowledge Keepers to share stories as activists and academics to bear witness. Let the community hold us all together as we walk towards what climate justice and action mean to us, and remember the tales we will tell future generations.
A circle of conversation series brings Elders, academics, and activists together at four events. Each event will focus on our impact on the four elements of Mother Earth: water, air, fire, and earth. After the series, the stories and knowledge will culminate into a workshop gathering on Sunday, November 5 to discuss our roles in these ever-changing environmental times and what we are taking away with us from these four events.