Prepare yourself, I’m bringing out a cliche:
A functioning organization is like a well-oiled machine – you need all the parts to work well together to make things happen. The Firehall is like a well-oiled machine…no, a functioning organization. However, it’s kind of amazing that we are able to produce the terrific work we do with our limited resources.

For example:
Did you know that the Firehall only has three full-time staff members? It’s true! When you think about the fact that this year alone we produced and presented six shows (and have a couple more to go!) in addition to hosting a speaker series, events and running an art gallery, that ain’t much. The rest of the staff is contracted part-time, devoting part of the year to other projects like the Dancing on the Edge Festival and other events around Vancouver.
We work hard to continue the tradition of presenting thoughtful, engaging pieces and with your help, we can do it!
To donate to our $30 for 30 Campaign on our website,click here! To donate via Canada Helps, visit them here.
Machine image from Stellar Path